This blog is dedicated to the restoration of the Austin Healey 3000...among the most desirable of all British sports cars.

Monday, March 5, 2012


After working sixteen days in a row, I needed a break.  I played in a benefit golf tournament today for an organization called Volunteers In Medicine, or VIM.  This is a terrific organization, and its volunteer staff members are saints.  They are a local organization that makes free health care available to those who cannot afford it.  I didn't realize until today that over 70% of VIM's patients are employed.  That is sad.  This blog is not a forum for politics, but something needs to be done about health care in this country and it seems to me that these people have found the solution and they deserve our support.  Please check them out.
Although, I had fun today, Don was busy.  He finished removing the paint from the underside of the front cowl.  Now, the left rear fender is the only remaining part that needs to be stripped and prepped for primer.  Bill is coming in tomorrow and will complete this task by close of business.    
Paxton will be welding the new patch panels in place tomorrow afternoon.  By the end of the week, the car should be ready for the application of the final coat of epoxy primer.  The weather is a major factor here because additional sandblasting must be completed before the final priming can be done.  We should be ready to apply the final finish to the frame and engine bay by the end of next week.

I love this car.
Tom McCurry

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