This blog is dedicated to the restoration of the Austin Healey 3000...among the most desirable of all British sports cars.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Today was a great day.  We began by putting the finish coats of paint on the "new" oil pan.  It looks great !  Check it out.  How do you like the color?  It is sort of a silver green.

While it was drying, I prepared the fenders and front cowl for primer.  It has been a bit cold here lately.  We actually had a little snow this morning so I had to wait until it warmed up in the shop before I could apply the primer.  Thought you might like to see the snow storm that just hit Hilton Head, SC.

Just kidding!  I was sandblasting some rusty parts outside.  Back to the painting.  I applied the epoxy primer to the fenders and front cowl.  It revealed a few small imperfections but the high build primer that will be applied next will eliminate them.  

The benefit of using black highlights every little imperfection.

Y'all come back now...
Tom McCurry

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