This blog is dedicated to the restoration of the Austin Healey 3000...among the most desirable of all British sports cars.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


There are items on this car that cannot be replaced because they are no longer manufactured.  So, if you are not fortunate enough to find the parts you need from extremely limited "new old stock", your only option is to restore the parts you have.  
The term "new old stock" refers to actual new parts that were manufactured years ago and somehow have been located and are for sale, usually at a huge price. Needless to say finding new old stock is like making a hole-in-one on a long par four.
The good news is, the parts requiring restoration, that are not readily available, are in fairly good condition.  Don and I worked on some of the aluminum trim today and I believe it is salvageable.  Of course, Tim has the final call.  
I would have taken some photos today, but I left my camera at home.  Sorry about that.  Will try to do better.


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