This blog is dedicated to the restoration of the Austin Healey 3000...among the most desirable of all British sports cars.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Sorry, there were no posts this past weekend.  I had a friend visiting and we spent the weekend talking about cars and eating fresh seafood.  A great time was had by all.
While John continues the bodywork, Don and I restored the convertible top frame.  It was rusty and obviously had never been maintained.  It was actually frozen in place and would not operate.  We sandblasted, primed and painted both the top frame and the tonneau support with the correct gray color.

We also began work on the frame that connects the top to the windshield.  It is actually made of wood, with an aluminum seal plate attached to the bottom edge.  The chrome latch is shown in the photo the left.  The aluminum seal plate is also shown.

We removed the seal plate and cleaned it.  It will require polishing before it is refitted.

The archive listing of this blog contains detailed step-by-step photos and narratives regarding this restoration since it began late last December.  Please direct any comments and questions to

More to come...
Tom McCurry

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