This blog is dedicated to the restoration of the Austin Healey 3000...among the most desirable of all British sports cars.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


You haven't seen much of me in this blog...I was always the one taking the photos.  But be certain, I was there every day.  I thoroughly enjoyed restoring Tim's Healey.  It was a wonderful opportunity for me to accomplish my launch Tommy's Topless Cars.
As a kid, I was always interested in cars, especially convertibles.  I enjoyed the wind blowing through my hair.  Now most of my hair is gone, but I still enjoy the wind.  At some point in my life I planned to own a company that bought, restored and sold convertible sports cars.  It took over fifty years to realize the dream, but I finally did it with the help of some very talented, dedicated people.
When Tim asked me to restore his Healey, I was so excited and that excitement never dissipated.  As the restoration progressed and more and more people seemed to be genuinely impressed with the quality of the work, I began to ask myself why I hadn't made this my life's work.

Our goal was to complete the car by November 2, 2012 and enter it in the Hilton Head Island Concours d'Elegance.  To my delight, this beautiful car won two awards on Saturday; the Chairman's Parade Award and the People's Choice Award.  All our efforts had been rewarded handsomely. 

A special thanks to my team.  Great job guys!

What's next for Tommy's Topless Cars?  We have a few MGBs in various stages of completion in our shop and we put them aside temporarily in order to finish Tim's car.  Now we can focus our efforts on them.  However, we are continuously searching for our next major rotisserie restoration candidate, whether it is a contract job or just for the joy of it.  If you own a car that you would like to have restored, we would like to be considered for the job.  Obviously, we have the expertise.  If any of my readers are aware of a unique British car that is in need of full restoration, contact me at

I remain...
Tom McCurry
Tommy's Topless Cars

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