This blog is dedicated to the restoration of the Austin Healey 3000...among the most desirable of all British sports cars.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Don and Bill had the day off today, so after my trip to Savannah to pick up the sandblaster media, the rest of the day was spent rearranging the shop.
I had acquired some heavy duty shelving earlier in the week and it will be used to store the reconditioned parts for Tim's Healey.  The amount of floor space required to store a disassembled car and its parts will boggle the mind.  Throw two more cars in the mix and you need a shop the size of the average three bedroom home.
At any rate, the shop is being rearranged to accommodate all the cars and parts and still have working room around each car.
Tomorrow morning the sandblasting will finally begin.  Hopefully the process will require less than a day...we will see.

Tom McCurry

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