This blog is dedicated to the restoration of the Austin Healey 3000...among the most desirable of all British sports cars.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Although it was over 100 degrees in the shop today, we managed to put in a full day of work on the Healey.  Tim had purchased a complete set of factory reproduction heat shields for the engine compartment.  
You can see in the photo to the right that the panels do not fit perfectly, but neither did the originals.  The reproductions are an exact copy of the originals.

We also managed to finish the installation of the brake and clutch pedals.  We virtually destroyed the connecting shaft and bushings when we dismantled the assembly but the parts were readily available.  At any rate the assembly is now operable and the system is ready to "bleed"

After we install the battery cable, the starter solenoid and the wiring harness, we will be ready to put this Big Healey on its "feet".  This will happen on Friday.  Can't wait...can you?
By the way, I have installed a link to my email address in the upper right hand corner of this blog page. I invite your questions or comments.

Life is good,
Big Healeys are BAD.
Tom McCurry

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